Caste by Isabel Wilkerson
Me & White Supremacy by Layla Saad
How to Be Anti-Racist by Ibram X. Kendi
Stay Woke by Justin Michael Williams
Antagonist, Advocates and Allies: The Wake Up Call Guide for White Women Who Want to Become Allies with Black Women by Catrice M Jackson
To watch the other Woke Lab episodes, click here.
Layla Saad - Defying White Supremacy to Find True Freedom
This conversation is revolutionary. Over 100 people, from 8 different countries, of all different races, genders, identities, and socioeconomic backgrounds came together to talk about THAT topic: RACISM. Layla breaks down what's at stake, and gives two different step-by-step plans that both white people, and BIPOC can use to start dismantling white supremacy NOW.
The Kingdom #11 - Power of JUSTICE
Justin helps us break through the noise of what’s happening in the social justice world today so that we can find our AUTHENTIC VOICE in the movement for equality using what Justin calls Visionary Activism. This is our time to come together. This is our time to rise. Listen closely to this special session that will help you change your life and lead change in the world, including a preview of the new Liberation Experience.
Power of JUSTICE
Break through the noise that's happening in the social justice world today and find your AUTHENTIC VOICE in the movement for equality using what Justin calls Visionary Activism. This is our time to come together. This is our time to rise. Listen closely to this special session that will help you change your life and lead change in the world in a way that feels unique and authentic to you, including a preview of the new Liberation Experience.
Black History Before America: Slavery
Did you know 2019 is the 400 year Anniversary since the first slaves arrived in America?! This episode will teach you the TRUTH behind the lies of American history books. We're diving deep into the trauma our enslaved ancestors went through, how that trauma is still playing out in the black community today, and how we can finally heal our ancestral wounds. Our special guest, Ambassador Johanna Odonkor Svanikier, President & CEO of the Heritage and Cultural Society of Africa (HACSA), says our healing starts with learning the TRUTH - only then can we have reconciliation. Get ready for the history lesson you NEVER got as a kid!
Black History Before America: Religion
RELIGION. What was it like before slavery? What are your TRUE ancestral roots? And what does Vodou have to do with the Black Panther movie? Our special guest, Dr. Kyrah Malika Daniels is a Harvard trained scholar of African and African Diaspora religions and she's here to set the record straight about RELIGION BEFORE AMERICA. Most of what you've heard is just plain WRONG.
Forward: How We Can ALL Support the Movement
In this final installment of our Black History Month series called ‘Forward,’ Justin revisits some of the most powerful and impactful advice from his interview with Black Lives Matter founder, Alicia Garza on how we can push for change in an authentic, strategic and effective way. Justin reminds us all that ACTION is essential for any type of progress and that we must involve ourselves in ways big and small to support the social change movement, to flex our collective power economically to push our agenda, and to use our voices to make our community a key player in the political process that drives this country FORWARD.
Justin's new book STAY WOKE
CONFESSION: This is not really a meditation book.
Yes, you’re going to learn everything you need to know about meditation, but if you came looking for a typical guide to mindfulness, you’re in the wrong place.
We are modern people in a high-tech world. We have First World problems and long to-do lists. And if you grew up in the struggle—overcoming homophobia, sexism, trauma, shame, depression, poverty, toxic masculinity, racism, or social injustice—you need a different type of meditation . . . one that doesn’t pretend the struggle doesn’t exist.
Whether you’ve tried meditation but it never sticks, or you’ve heard about it but never gave it a shot, Justin guides you step by step in creating a custom meditation ritual that fits in with your busy (and sometimes messy!) modern life. Stay Woke gives people of all genders, identities, colors, religions, ages, and economic backgrounds the tools to stop wasting time, overcome self-doubt, and wake up to the lives we were really born to live.
Support the Dream Bigger Foundation
None of us can end racism alone. It’s going to take all of us. Regardless of who started it, regardless of who points the finger of blame—if we want to end racism—if we want to heal ourselves and the world—it’s up to all of us to step up to the plate and create this new world together. Justin's foundation makes transformation accessible to everyone.