Guided Meditation: Create Your Life Vision

guided meditations Nov 20, 2022
Justin Michael Williams
Guided Meditation: Create Your Life Vision

This is your moment to say YES to your dream. Every single one of us that has something in our lives that we want to deepen or take to the next level, and this guided meditation practice will show you how to get there. 

Maybe your focus is... 

  • A business idea
  • Deepening your intimacy
  • Finding a relationship
  • Changing your energy with money
  • Taking better care of your body
  • Practicing more self-love
  • Or being of greater service to the world. 

But without a vision, it’s hard to know your next step. 

If you want to live the life of your dreams, you need a vision. 

This free guided meditation will help you create one. 🤍 

I love you, and we rise together.

Listen to this Guided Meditation for Free on Apple Music, SpotifyYoutube, and more here - or on your favorite streaming platform. 

Please enjoy!


This is your moment to say yes to your dream.

Every single one of us has something in our lives that we wanna deepen or take to the next level, and this practice will show you how to get there. 

So take a moment now and just find a comfortable way to sit and see what it would feel like, however you're sitting now, to just soften your body just 5% more.
What would it feel like to give yourself over to gravity, just to rest in yourself 5% more.
Place your hands over the center of your chest, just right over your heart, and take a deep breath in and a deep breath out. 
And close your eyes if you're comfortable doing so.

As you soften into yourself, I want you to just allow yourself to be with any emotions that arise, and with anything that is present for you at this time and throughout this practice. 

Take a deep breath in and a breath out.
Now with me to the count of three inhale for one, two, three.
Hold for one, two, three.
Exhale, one, two, three.

Great, again. 
Inhale one, two, three.
Hold for one, two, three.
Exhale one, two, three.

And the last time.
Inhale deeply, one, two, three 
Hold for one, two, three, 
Exhale one, two, three. 
And now just breathe normally.

And in a moment, I'm going to invite you into a short visualization and imaginative practice, and as we do this, I want you to remember that some people don't visualize by seeing images in their heads. 
Some of us imagine by hearing sounds in our minds, it's those of us who can hear a song playing in our head at any time. 
And some of us visualize with smell or with taste, imagining the taste of your favorite meal. 
Some of us even visualize with physical sensation.
So if I said, imagine an ocean, you might not see it or smell it, or hear it, but you feel the temperature of the cool water against your skin. 
So whatever way you visualize, don't make it wrong.
Trust the natural impulse of what arises within you.

Here we go.
Imagine, using all your senses, a future version of yourself who is living the life of your dreams. Everything is exactly as you've always wanted, every circumstance has been surpassed, surmounted, and overcome.
I want it to feel like, if you could rub a magic lamp, anything is possible. 

What do you notice.
What do you sense in this vision.

And you might have multiple things kind of shuffling their way around in your mind or slowly becoming clear. 
But see if you can just land on one thing. 
And we'll start to dimensional this a little bit. 

Notice if you can sense if you're indoors or if you're outdoors, in the vision. 
Notice if there's anybody there with you, or if you're alone in the vision. 
And notice what's happening in this vision, that indicates that something's changed, that something's different about it.
What's happening or about to happen, or already happen.

And now just scan around yourself in this vision, and notice if you could pick up any colors or textures or what you're wearing. 
Just scan around you to make it more complete.
Notice, do you hear anything in the vision?
Don't force it, just notice.
Do you smell or taste anything in the vision?
Do you feel any physical sensations in the vision? 
And again, what's happening in this vision that indicates to you that you are living the life of your dreams?

And now, notice how the vision feels.
How does it feel, emotionally, to be living the life of your dreams?
And now I'm gonna ask you a question, and as you keep this vision in mind, I want you to answer the question with the first thing that comes to your mind.

Here's your question.
As you look at this future version of yourself who is living the life of your dreams, what do you need to take to the next level, in your own life right now, in order to become the person in your vision?
I'll ask it again.
What do you need to take to the next level, in your own life right now, in order to become closer to being that person that you're seeing in your vision?
What do you need to take to the next level? What do you need to deepen?
Be with what arises.

And now, if you've moved them, place your hands back over the center of your chest, one over the other. 
And keeping all of this in mind.
Repeat these words, after me. 
I am ready.
I am worthy.
I am powerful.
I deserve this life.

 I am ready.
I am worthy.
I am powerful.
I deserve this life.

I am ready.
I am worthy.
I am powerful.
I deserve this life.

Go ahead and be with your vision for a moment longer.
I want it to feel like if this vision came true, it would be a miracle.
That's what we're aiming for.
It's time to play a bigger game.

Go ahead and take a deep breath in, and a deep breath out.
And another deep breath in, deeper, and deep breath out.
And when you're ready, transitioning slowly, I invite you to open your eyes.

This is your moment to say yes to your dream.
Yes, to your life.
And you know exactly what you need to do in your life now.
To take your life to the next level.
And so it's time to get into action.
It's time to say yes to all that you can become.
Because you deserve this life.

Thank you so much for practicing with me today. 
This is Justin Michael Williams, signing out, and I'll meet you right here in this special place, the next time we practice together.
Bye for now.