Guided Meditation: Go to Sleep
Nov 20, 2022
Rest is an essential part of the movement forward. You are allowed to let go. You cannot support your vision or your dreams if you are energetically depleted.
This guided meditation will help you rest.
Let’s get you to sleep. ā¯¤ļø¸
Listen to this Guided Meditation for Free on Apple Music, Spotify, Youtube, and more here - or on your favorite streaming platform.
Please enjoy!
Rest is an essential part of the movement forward.
You are allowed to let go, and you cannot support your vision or your dreams if you are energetically depleted.
Let's get you to sleep.
Lie down on your back and get as cozy as possible, and if you can't lie on your back, that's okay, just get comfortable.
I'd like you to adjust your clothing and your blanket and body, so that you can do this practice to the best of your ability without moving very much if at all.
If you're lying on your back, keep your feet apart and just let them flop out to the sides.
Have your arms slightly away from the sides of your body with your palms turned upward towards the sky.
Now close your eyes and keep them closed.
Say to yourself, I'm allowed to let go.
I'm allowed to let go.
I'm allowed to let go.
Allow your body to become calm and relaxed.
You have permission to relax.
You're allowed to let go.
You can think of it all tomorrow, but right now, in this moment, let go.
Take a deep breath and imagine calm, peaceful energy flowing through your body, and as you breathe out, say to yourself mentally, I am allowed to let go.
I am allowed to let go.
Again, take a deep breath in, imagining calm, peaceful of energy flowing through your body, and a breath out, I am allowed to let go.
I am allowed to let go.
Bring awareness now to your body, lying down.
Notice all of the places that your body is meeting the surface that you're lying on, and just feel the support of the surface and see if you can give yourself to gravity, just 5% more.
Softening just 5% more.
Bring awareness now to the natural flow of your breath, and notice the natural rhythm and flow, the ins and the outs of your breath.
You don't even have to concentrate, just relax and listen to my voice, and just notice that you are breathing.
Just notice that you are breathing and relax.
Say to yourself mentally, I am allowed to let go.
I will sleep.
I am allowed to let go.
I will sleep.
Repeat that to yourself silently now.
I am allowed to let go.
I will sleep.
I will now guide you through a process called a breathing body scan, and your role is simple here, all you have to do is let your awareness jump from body part to body part, and relax each body part that I name.
Just follow the sound of my voice, relaxing each body part that I name.
The body scan always begins with the right thumb, pointer finger, middle finger, fourth finger, fifth finger, palm of the hand, back of the hand, wrist, lower arm, elbow, upper arm, shoulder, armpit, right rib cage, right waist, right hip, right thigh, knee, calf muscle, shin, ankle, heel of the right foot, sole of the right foot, top of the foot, right big toe, second toe, third toe, fourth toe, pinky toe, left big toe, second toe, third toe, fourth toe, left pinky toe, top of the foot, sole of the foot, heel of the foot, ankle, shin, calf muscle, knee, left thigh, left waist, left rib cage, armpit, shoulder, upper arm, elbow, lower left arm, left wrist, back of the hand, palm of the hand, left thumb, pointer finger, middle finger, fourth finger, fifth finger, left shoulder, right shoulder, left shoulder blade, right shoulder blade, upper back, mid-back, lower back, left buttock, right buttock, your entire back together, top of your head, forehead, left eyebrow, right eyebrow, left eyelid, right eyelid, left eye, right eye, left ear, right ear, left nostril, right nostril, left cheek, right cheek, upper lip, lower lip, chin, jaw, the entire face together, tongue, throat, back of the throat, front of the neck, back of the neck, right collarbone, left collarbone, right chest, left chest, middle of the chest, navel, abdomen. Your entire right arm, your entire left arm, both arms together.
Your entire right leg, your entire left leg, both legs together.
Your entire back, your entire front.
Your entire higher head together.
The whole body together.
Your whole body together.
Relax your whole body together.
Become aware of the shape of your whole body.
Become aware of the shape of your whole body, and soften it 5% more.
Give it to gravity, 5% more.
Rest more, you have permission to let go.
Let go.
Let go.
Now we go to the breath.
Notice the natural rhythm of your inhale and exhale.
No need to force it, just notice the just rising with each inhale, and falling with each exhale.
Rise and fall.
Rise and fall, as you let go.
Just be aware that you are breathing, and at the same time, start counting your breaths backward.
I am breathing in 25.
I am breathing out 25.
I am breathing in 24.
I am breathing out 24.
I am breathing in 23.
I am breathing out 23.
I am breathing in 22.
I am breathing out 22.
Continue this way, all the way down to one.
Count in your mind silently as you follow the natural rhythm of your breath.
Continue counting.